
易考吧 2024年04月04日


      1). How Heart Works■It is about the size of a fist,weight about 9-11 ounces and is placed between the lungs,a itte more to the left than to the right.A ( ) runs down the centre of it,dividing it into left and right sections which work at the same time but deal with ( ) different types of blood.The heart,which is a muscular pump,beats about 72 times a minute through a continuous and automatic process of muscular contraction and ( ).■Each section (left and right section) is again divided into upper and lower parts,the auricles and ventricles.The blood is pumped through all four chambers in turn in the ( ) of being circulated through all parts of the body.The heart’s first purpose is to supply a steady ( ) of oxygen to all the body cells and to return carbon dioxide to the lungs.On its journey the blood distributes dissolved foods and carries away ( ).■Two large veins pour the ( ),used blood into the first chamber,the right auricle,which passes it into the chamber below,the right ventricle.The muscle surrounding this part ( ) in a beat that pushes the blood into the ( )where the carbon dioxide is removed and ( ) with vital oxygen.Meanwhile ( ) scarlet blood from the lungs enters the left auricle to be ( )to the left ventricle.■From there it is forced by the contracting muscle through a ( ) into the aorta,the body’s ( ) artery which distributes it all over the body.The heart beats about 100,000 times every 24 hours and pushes several quarts of blood through miles of arteries,veins and ( ) capillaries.A healthy heart keeps this up for a liftime without fltering.( )

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