
易考吧 2024年02月16日

      1). How Brain Cells Die During a Stroke■Medical Research Council (MRC) scientists, in collaboration with colleagues from British and Italian universities, have ( )…………a mechanism that causes the death of brain cells in stroke.The discovery may help explain why some therapy approaches for stroke have been unsuccessful and identifies potential research avenues for the development of new treatments for stroke and other( )…………brain diseases.■Stroke is a ( )…………of an abrupt interruption of blood flow to the brain.When the blood supply stops, the nerve cells that are directly deprived of oxygen quickly die and release the chemicals that they use to communicate with each other.Glutamate (谷氨酸)triggers a flood of calcium ions into the cells and, for reasons not previously understood,the level of calcium continues to rise and this kills the neurons.■The new research, carried out at the MRC’s Toxicology Unit in Leicester, studied The( )…………of calcium overload in neurons after reduction in blood supply to areas of the rat brain.The( )…………flood of calcium activates enzymes called calpains (钙蛋白酶), which break down the proteins in the cell( )…………that normally pump calcum out of the cell.■For many years research has concentrated on trying to block the( )…………calcium, in the hope of preventing brain damage in stroke.But the new findings suggest that the main defect is in the( )…………of calcium from neurons.This opens up new opportunities for the development of drugs to reduce nerve cell death, not only in stroke but also in degenerative brain disorders.■Professor Colin said, “This research is an important step forward for the development of new and more effective( )…………for stroke - one of the most common conditions afcting the elderly in the UK.And, as the UK’s elderly population continues to grow, so does the importance of( )…………the diseases that are common in later life”.( )
      2). Plants May Help Women Live Longer■Researchers at Harvard University reported that women who live in homes surrounded by plants appear to have lower death rates than women who live in areas with less greenery.Flowers,trees and other plant lives may help women live longer.Peter James is an epidemiologist,who expert in how disease spreads and how it can be controlled.James and his team looked at information from one of the largest and oldest investigations of women′s health: Tbe Nurse′s Healtb Study.The Nurse′s Healtb Study began 40 years ago and expanded in 1989.It now has information on nearly200,000 women.For the new study,the Harvard team looked at the mortality rates of more than 100,000 women between the years 2000 and 2008.Then the researchers compared the mortality rates of these women to the greenery around their homes.The researchers also considered other risk factors - things such as the age of the women,their economic status,race and so on.Finally,they found that the mortality rate among women who lived in the greenest spaces was 12 percent lower than those from the least green areas.Peter James and his team were surprised to find such a strong link between high vegetation levels and low mortality rates.Researchers say women in greener areas spent more time with other people,exercised more and were less exposed to air pollution.One of the biggest effects of greenery appeared to be a lowered risk of respiratory disease and cancer.The study found that women living in areas with the most greenery had a 34 percent lower rate of dying from a respiratory disease and a 13percent lower rate of dying from cancer.James says the new findings suggest ways for city planners,landscape architects and policymakers to grow even healthier living areas.According to the study,the higher vegetation levels are,the lower mortality rates will be.( )
      B.Not Mentioned
      3). Death■People in the past did not question the difference between life and death.They could see that a person died when his heart stopped beating.People have learned,however,that the body does not die immediately when the heart stops beating.They discovered that we remain alive as long as our brain remains active.Today the difference between life and death is not as easy to see as in the past.Modern medical devices can keep the heart beat-ing and the lungs breathing long after the brain stops.But is this life?■This question has caused much debate among citizens in the United States.Many of them want a law that says a person is dead when the brain dies.A person should be con-sidered dead when brain waves stop even if machines can keep the body alive.Such a law would permit doctors to speed removal of healthy organs for transplant operations.■The brain is made of thousands of millions of nerve cells.These cells send and receive millions of chemical and electrical messages every day.In this way the brain controls the other body activities.Nerve cell experts say that usually it is easy to tell when the brain has died.They put small electrodes (电极) on a person′s skull to measure the electrical signals that pass in and out of the brain.These brain waves are recorded on a television screen or on paper.The waves move up and down every time the brain receives messages from the nerve cells.The brain is dead when the waves stop moving.■Although there are people who oppose the idea of a law on brain block for various rea-sons,the idea of brain wave activity as a test of death is slowly being accepted.When a person should be considered dead is currently a matter( )
      A.which has caused heated argument in the U.S
      B.which few people in the U.S.care much about
      C.which only doctors can settle


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