

      [英 [feɪk] 美 [fek] ]


      过去式:faked;   现在分词:faking;   复数形式:fakes;

fake 基本解释

      及物动词伪造; 篡改; 对…做手脚; 仿造


      名词骗子; 冒牌货,赝品; [体]假动作; 冒充,诈骗



fake 同义词





fake 反义词


fake 相关例句



      1. This is a fake picture.



      1. She faked illness so as not to go to school.


      2. He faked an opposing player out of position.


      3. He faked illness.



      1. The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection.


fake 网络解释

      1. 假動作:那里面有键位设置,你一个一个的去对照吧投篮(shoot)、起跳抢篮板或盖帽(jump)、加速(turbo)外,还应设置好交叉运球(cross over)、假动作(fake)、滑步防守(face up)、转动(pivot)、伸手(hand check)及断球(steal

      2. 假货:从发展中国家的角度来讲,这双重标准对他们不公平,并且无论发达国家赠给他们资助还援助,他们还难以相信人家不是剥削他们,再说赠给的资助往往是杯水车薪. 因为这个问题涵盖许多方面,所以至今还没解决. 真货(real) 假货 (fake)

fake 双语例句

      1. China sees a fake city not as a sign of shame, but of hiding its shame.


      2. All other websites that appear to represent Shanghai Nightmare are fake and may phish for your information.


      3. Thermal conductivity meter identify genuine and fake diamond is the most convenient means.



      4. These are all fake advertisements cheating consumers to spend money.



      5. And attacked the sellers of fake and low-quality goods new person Yang Hong to be listed new hundred stores, was striking and profound, was worth the memento!



      6. Man: Those are fake necklaces and you're a rip-off artist.



      7. For example, one child reported that our snow is fake, when in fact it is quite real.


      8. fake在线翻译

      8. Po: So, the fake one among them is very likely to be Huan Jiao!


      9. Shu, like Temple Mountain Resort is located in the north, east Munemori Putuo Temple, built in the Qianlong white terror, fake Shu Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province was built like a temple, the temple architecture the main shape in order to Han.


      10. A very wide wide beautifully decorated hall, usually only be seen in the cathedral painted glass, but here as lighting; The number of home to the rich and others boast crystal chandeliers, here are four in number, and only illumination; Century painter Langfenai value of a 10, 000 meter gold paintings Surprisingly, in the dorsal horn can be seen on the walls, although not authentic, but the Duke of your family should be absolutely no fake.



      11. First, Miss mo invites classmates to attend a party for her birthday. second, xiaya is cheated to buy fake sausage that leads to a customer to go to hospital and she is oblidged to pay 800 yuan to the victim.


      12. If you can make a fake flower, then describe it.


      13. fake什么意思

      13. It is this character that makes his fake stone have multi-sense contemporary significance.


      14. These fake commodities harm people`s health and influent the development of economy and society as well.



      15. I'm sick of people being fake, and two-faced.


      16. At first, people believed they might be fake.


      17. Those people who make and produce fake goods should be punished.


      18. The production of fake people who recognize the iPhone, this is an illegal business.


      19. We can't tell anybody this is a fake.


      20. As for the sale of melamine scrap, it is increasingly popular as a fake ingredient in feed, traders and workers here say.


fake 词典解释

      1. (毛皮、画作)假冒的,伪造的

      A fake fur or a fake painting, for example, is a fur or painting that has been made to look valuable or genuine, usually in order to deceive people.

      e.g. The bank manager is said to have issued fake certificates.


      2. 伪造;仿制

      If someone fakes something, they try to make it look valuable or genuine, although in fact it is not.

      e.g. It's safer to fake a tan with make-up rather than subject your complexion to the harsh rays of the sun...


      e.g. He faked his own death last year to collect on a $1 million insurance policy.


      3. 骗子;冒充者

      Someone who is a fake is not what they claim to be, for example because they do not have the qualifications that they claim to have.

      4. 假装;装作

      If you fake a feeling, emotion, or reaction, you pretend that you are experiencing it when you are not.

      e.g. Jon faked nonchalance...


      e.g. Maturity and emotional sophistication can't be faked.


fake 单语例句

      1. A judge in charge of the case said Yu faced charges of illegal business operation, selling fake medicines and intellectual property infringement.

      2. Last year, a gang who made fake Moutai to export to South Korea was busted.

      3. Beijing police said they have busted 10 gangs involving almost 90 people suspected of producing and selling fake Chinese liquor in a recent crackdown.

      4. Unfortunately for a Shanghai store that sold pirated luxury handbags, the incident brought so much attention they were busted for selling fake goods.

      5. An elderly woman said she would not continue to buy medicines in a shop caught selling fake drugs.

      6. It condemned the act of fabricating news following a government announcement that the report on buns stuffed with cardboard aired on Beijing TV was fake.

      7. In 2006 he started buying in fake Chanel and Gucci bags from Guangdong province to resell in the market.

      8. Over 100 Hohhot college students have been duped in recent days into buying fake mobile phones.

      9. Farmers belonging to no organizations risk buying fake seeds and fertilizers at a higher price.

      10. He had a fake card but took out his real one by mistake.
