


      1 句法结构双关


      --"Do you ever draw picture in the nude?"

      --"No, I usually wear a jacket."

      对话中,提问的人是想问“你有没有画过****画”,而回答的人却理解为“你曾经光着身子画过画吗?”这则幽默中双关产生的原因是对in the nude在句中不同功能的理解,即作定语或作状语。

      2 语义双关


      "Dear M:

      I have been SAVING this question in the hope that I might gain some INTETRST. If free Friday, would you care to DEPOST yourself beside me at a movie? I have taken into ACCOUNT that you maybe previously engaged; if so I will WITHDRAW my offer and hipe Saturday. At any RATE, your company would much enjoy, and I hope you will not ASSESS this as too forward. Check you late.

      Sincerely B."