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第一PPT> PPT课件> 英语课件> 陕旅版三年级英语下册>
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《The Ruler Is Long》PPT教学课件(第4课时),共14页。 Warm-up/Revision 1. Its very big. It has two big ears and a long nose. It doesnt have any hair. It likes grass. 2. It has two long ears and two red eyes. It is white....
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《The Ruler Is Long》PPT教学课件(第3课时),共20页。 Presentation but (连词)但是 【用法】but是并列连词,在句中表示转折关系。 The bedroom is small, but its clean. 那个卧室很小,但是它很干净。 its (代词)它的 【用法】it...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《The Ruler Is Long》PPT教学课件(第2课时),共16页。 Presentation The nose is long. The tail is short. The eyes are big. The ears are small. The elephant is tall. I am short. Let's say The ruler is long. The pencil is sh...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《The Ruler Is Long》PPT教学课件(第1课时),共23页。 Presentation see (动词)看见 【同音词】sea海;海洋 How many cats can you see? 你能看见多少只猫? long (形容词)长的 【短语】long jump跳远 has a long nose. 他长着长鼻...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《There Is a TV in the Classroom》PPT教学课件(第4课时),共29页。 Presentation eleven (数词)十一 【短语】eleven apples十一个苹果 She is eleven. 她11岁了。 twelve (数词)十二 【短语】twelve desks 十二张书桌 twelve book...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《There Is a TV in the Classroom》PPT教学课件(第3课时),共14页。 Presentation twenty (数词)二十 【短语】twenty pencils二十支铅笔 I have twenty toys. 我有二十个玩具。 Lets learn more How many students are there in the...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《There Is a TV in the Classroom》PPT教学课件(第2课时),共16页。 Presentation Whats in the classroom? There is a TV in the classroom. Yeah. Its there. There are two blackboards in the classroom too. Ask and answer Alic...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《There Is a TV in the Classroom》PPT教学课件(第1课时),共17页。 Presentation student (名词)学生 She is a good student. 她是个好学生。 teacher (名词)老师 【单词巧记】teach + er = teacher(教师) We have a new match...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Where Is My Eraser?》PPT教学课件(第4课时),共12页。 Presentation Where Is Charlie? Where,where,where is Charlie? He is in the school,in the school, In the school. Lets go to the school. Where,where,where is Kitt...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Where Is My Eraser?》PPT教学课件(第3课时),共16页。 Presentation under (介词)在下面 【短语】under the desk 在书桌下面 There is a ball under the chair. 椅子下面有一个球。 near (介词)在附近 【单词巧记】n + ear(耳朵...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Where Is My Eraser?》PPT教学课件(第2课时),共24页。 Presentation can (情态动词)能;可以 【用法】can是情态动词,后接动词原形。 He can play basketball. 他会打篮球。 find (动词)发现;找到 【短语】find out 找出;查明...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Where Is My Eraser?》PPT教学课件(第1课时),共19页。 Presentation chair (名词)椅子 This is a chair. 这是一把椅子。 desk (名词)课桌;桌子 【短语】teachers desk 讲台 The desk is new. 这张桌子是新的。 classroom (名词...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Do You Like Candies?》PPT教学课件(第4课时),共19页。 Presentation I like milk. I like milk. Do you like it,John? Oh, I dont know. Let me think. Let me think. Yes,I do. I like it. too! I like bread. I like bread. Do...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Do You Like Candies?》PPT教学课件(第3课时),共16页。 Presentation What do you like? I like very much. They are nice. Lets learn more What do you like? I like cakes very much. They are nice. What does your cat like? It...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Do You Like Candies?》PPT教学课件(第2课时),共16页。 Presentation ice-cream (名词)冰淇淋 【单词巧记】ice(冰) + cream(奶油;乳酪) = ice-cream(冰淇淋) He likes ice-creams very much. 他非常喜欢冰淇淋。 重点句型 D...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Do You Like Candies?》PPT教学课件(第1课时),共20页。 Presentation candy (名词)糖果 He likes candies very much. 他非常喜欢糖果。 cake (名词)蛋糕 She likes chocolate cake. 他喜欢巧克力蛋糕。 bread (名词)面包 I hav...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT课件(第4课时),共21页。 Ask and answer A: Whose is it/are these? B: It is/They are A: What color is it/are they? B: Its/Theyre Look! His/Her is 重点句型 Its too big! 它太大了! 【详解】这是描述...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT课件(第3课时),共18页。 Presentation her (代词)她的 【用法】her作形容词性物主代词,意为她的,后接名词。 The man is her father. 那个男人是她爸爸。 his (代词)他的 【用法】his作形容词性物主代...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT课件(第2课时),共21页。 Presentation whose (代词)谁的 【用法】whose是疑问代词,用来引导特殊疑问句。 Whose pen is this? 这是谁的钢笔? very much 很;非常 【用法】very much用来修饰动词,表示程...
  • 陕旅版三年级英语下册《Whose Coat Is This?》PPT课件(第1课时),共25页。 Presentation wear (动词)穿;戴 【短语】wear a coat穿一件大衣 wear red clothes穿红色衣服 He is wearing a blue shoes. 他穿着一双蓝色鞋子。 coat (名词)大衣 He is wearin...