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What’s New on 29 November 2023 – Cancellation of Event (10 December 2023)

HKDRC – Skechers 44thMount Butler ( Heritage ) Race – Where the Runners Are?

Due to very low entry applications submitted by the public runners ( 40nos ) as on 28 November 2023, we foresee not much applications will be received in the coming days/weeks . Therefore we decided to cancel holding our event as scheduled on 10 December 2023.

Runners who submitted entry applications and are already registered will be refunded. We would mail back full amount of payment or arrange bank transfer to your count in due course.

We sincerely thank to our sponsors’ and runners’ understanding and special thank to our key helpers for the hard work.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and are regretted for not able to conduct this long-history, popular and exhilarating event in 2023 and we do hope we can organize the event in 2024.

(Remark : HKDRC mailing address is HKDRC G.P.O. Box 10368, Hong Kong)

                    HKDRC email contact :


2023 1129最新消息:賽事取消

香港長跑會– Skechers 44屆畢拿山( 古蹟)越野賽– 20231210

鑒於本會截至11月28日登記參加本賽事的人數並不理想 ( 只有40人 ),本會計未來數天/一星期收到參賽者數量亦不樂觀,本會在極不願意情況下作出取消賽事決定。

已遞交報名表或已登記參加賽事參賽者,本會將於稍後安排退款。退款方式將已郵寄 – 寄回已遞交報名費支票給已登記的參賽者,或按已支付本會戶口往銀行轉數。






HKDRC Race Committee