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Red Hat GFS 6.0

Administrator's Guide

Copyright© 2004 by Red Hat, Inc.

Table of Contents
3.1. Send in Your Feedback
4. Sign Up for Support
5. Recommended References
1. GFS Overview
1.1. New and Changed Features
1.2. Performance, Scalability, and Economy
1.3. GFS Functions
1.4. GFS Software Subsystems
1.5. Before Configuring GFS
2. System Requirements
3. Installing GFS
3.1. Prerequisite Tasks
3.1.1. Prerequisite Software
3.1.2. Specifying a Persistent Major Number
3.2. Installation Tasks
3.2.1. Installing GFS RPMs
3.2.2. Loading the GFS Kernel Modules
4. Initial Configuration
4.1. Prerequisite Tasks
4.2. Initial Configuration Tasks
5. Using the Pool Volume Manager
5.1. Overview of GFS Pool Volume Manager
5.2. Synopsis of Pool Management Commands
5.3. Scanning Block Devices
5.3.1. Usage
5.3.2. Example
5.4. Creating a Configuration File for a New Volume
5.4.1. Examples
5.5. Creating a Pool Volume
5.6. Activating/Deactivating a Pool Volume
5.7. Displaying Pool Configuration Information
5.7.1. Usage
5.7.2. Example
5.8. Growing a Pool Volume
5.8.1. Usage
5.8.2. Example procedure
5.9. Erasing a Pool Volume
5.10. Renaming a Pool Volume
5.10.1. Usage
5.10.2. Example
5.11. Changing a Pool Volume Minor Number
5.12. Displaying Pool Volume Information
5.12.1. Usage
5.12.2. Examples
5.13. Using Pool Volume Statistics
5.13.1. Usage
5.13.2. Examples
5.14. Adjusting Pool Volume Multipathing
5.14.1. Usage
5.14.2. Examples
6. Creating the Cluster Configuration System Files
6.5. Creating the cluster.ccsFile
6.6. Creating the fence.ccsFile
6.7. Creating the nodes.ccsFile
7. Using the Cluster Configuration System
7.1. Creating a CCS Archive
7.2. Starting CCS in the Cluster
7.3. Using Other CCS Administrative Options
7.4. Changing CCS Configuration Files
7.4.1. Example Procedure
7.5. Alternative Methods to Using a CCA Device
7.5.1. CCA File and Server
7.5.2. Local CCA Files
7.6. Combining CCS Methods
8. Using Clustering and Locking Systems
8.1. Locking System Overview
9. Managing GFS
9.1. Making a File System
9.2. Mounting a File System
9.3. Unmounting a File System
9.3.1. Usage
9.4. GFS Quota Management
9.5. Growing a File System
9.6. Adding Journals to a File System
9.7. Direct I/O
9.8. Data Journaling
9.8.1. Usage
9.8.2. Examples
9.9. Configuring atimeUpdates
9.9.1. Mount with noatime
9.9.2. Tune GFS atimeQuantum
9.10. Suspending Activity on a File System
9.10.1. Usage
9.10.2. Examples
9.11. Displaying Extended GFS Information and Statistics
9.11.1. Usage
9.11.2. Examples
9.12. Repairing a File System
9.12.1. Usage
9.12.2. Example
9.13. Context-Dependent Path Names
9.13.1. Usage
9.13.2. Example
9.14. Shutting Down a GFS Cluster
9.15. Restarting a GFS Cluster
10. Using the Fencing System
10.1. How the Fencing System Works
10.2. Fencing Methods
11. Using GNBD
11.1. Considerations for Using GNBD Multipath
11.2. Running GFS on a GNBD Server Node
11.3. GNBD Driver and Command Usage
11.3.1. Exporting a GNBD from a Server
11.3.2. Importing a GNBD on a Client
12. Using GFS init.dScripts
12.1. GFS init.dScripts Overview
12.2. GFS init.dScripts Use
A. Using Red Hat GFS with Red Hat Cluster Suite
B. Upgrading GFS
C. Basic GFS Examples
C.1. LOCK_GULM, RLM Embedded
C.2. LOCK_GULM, RLM External
C.3. LOCK_GULM, SLM Embedded
C.4. LOCK_GULM, SLM External
C.5. LOCK_GULM, SLM External, and GNBD