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FreeBSD Architecture Handbook

The FreeBSD Documentation Project

Revision: 43184

Copyright © 2000-2006, 2012-2013 The FreeBSD Documentation Project

Last modified on 2013-11-13 by hrs.

Welcome to the FreeBSD Architecture Handbook. This manual is a work in progressand is the work of many individuals. Many sections do not yet exist and some of those that do exist need to be updated. If you are interested in helping with this project, send email to the FreeBSD documentation project mailing list.

The latest version of this document is always available from the FreeBSD World Wide Web server. It may also be downloaded in a variety of formats and compression options from the FreeBSD FTP serveror one of the numerous mirror sites.

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Table of Contents
I. Kernel
1. Bootstrapping and Kernel Initialization
1.4. The Master Boot Record (boot0)
1.5. boot1Stage
1.6. The BTXServer
1.7. boot2Stage
1.8. loaderStage
1.9. Kernel Initialization
2. Locking Notes
3. Kernel Objects
4. The Jail Subsystem
4.1. Architecture
4.2. Restrictions
5. The SYSINIT Framework
6. The TrustedBSD MAC Framework
7. Virtual Memory System
8. SMPng Design Document
II. Device Drivers
9. Writing FreeBSD Device Drivers
10. ISA Device Drivers
10.3. device_tPointer
10.4. Configuration File and the Order of Identifying and Probing During Auto-Configuration
10.5. Resources
10.6. Bus Memory Mapping
10.7. DMA
10.8. xxx_isa_probe
10.9. xxx_isa_attach
10.10. xxx_isa_detach
10.11. xxx_isa_shutdown
10.12. xxx_intr
11. PCI Devices
11.1. Probe and Attach
11.2. Bus Resources
12. Common Access Method SCSI Controllers
13. USB Devices
14. Newbus
15. Sound Subsystem
16. PC Card
16.1. Adding a Device
III. Appendices
List of Figures
14.1. driver_tImplementation
14.2. Device States device_state_t
List of Tables
2.1. Mutex List
2.2. Shared Exclusive Lock List
List of Examples
5.1. Example of a SYSINIT()
5.2. Example of Adjusting SYSINIT()Order
5.3. Example of a SYSUNINIT()
9.1. Example of a Sample Echo Pseudo-Device Driver for FreeBSD 10.X
14.1. Newbus Methods

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