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Privacy Statement

<Exodus Ent Ltd.> "(mobile applications, ‘CHOEAEDOL’ Service) is protecting the user's privacy and rights in accordance with the Privacy Act and the following process to facilitate the handling of complaints relating to the user's personal information you can leave a policy.
<Exodus Ent Ltd.> "(‘CHOEAEDOL’) is the company that will be announced through the website notice when you amend the Privacy Policy (or individual notice).
This policy will take effect on November 30, 2022. (Revised on November 16, 2022)

1. The purpose of processing personal information

<Exodus Ent Ltd.> "(hereinafter referred to as CHOEAEDOL’) has to process personal information for the following purposes. Personal information will be handled when the intended use is repurposed as a purpose other than the following deprecated and will obtain your prior consent.
A. Home Sign up and management
The registered doctor confirmed, I identified in accordance with the subscription service • Certification, Membership Retention • management and identification based on my limited hwakinje enforcement services to prevent unauthorized use, we collect personal information for children under the age of 14 when the legal guardian agrees to Check, various notices • notices, complaints, record retention for dispute resolution, etc. the process personal information for the purpose.
B. Civil petitions process
Verify the identity of the complainant, complaints identified, contact for the fact that research • The process of personal information for the purpose of notification, the notification process results, and more.
C. Goods or services
Service providers, content providers, personalized treatment services, identity authentication, and privacy, such as age verification purposes.
D. Use of marketing and advertising
New services (product) development and personalized services, events, and advertising information and participation opportunities, providing services according to demographic characteristics and advertising, validation services, or members of the services identified access frequency statistics for the use of such the purpose of processing personal information.
E. Personal video information
The prevention and investigation of crime, safety, and fire protection facilities, traffic control, and traffic information collection • Process analysis and provide personal information for the purpose of.

2. Personal Information File Tracking

①< Exodus ENT Co., Ltd.> ('CHOEAEDOL') collects the following minimum personal information as essential items for membership, smooth customer counseling, and various services.
1. E-Mail log-in
- essentials: E-Mail address, password
2. Kakaotalk log-in
- essentials: profile information (nickname, profile photo)
- selected: E-Mail address
3. Google log-in
- essentials: profile information (E-Mail address, name, profile photo)
4. Facebook log-in
- essentials: profile information (E-Mail address, name, profile photo)
5. Line log-in
- essentials: profile information (nickname, profile photo, status message), internal identifier
② The following information may be automatically generated or additionally collected in the process of using the service or processing the service provision.
- IP address, device information, access log, date and time of visit, payment and purchase information, service usage record, defective usage record, advertisement identifier

3. The processing and retention of personal information

<Exodus Ent Ltd.> ('CHOEAEDOL') is holding personal data in accordance with the laws and regulations • agreed to retain personal information when collecting personal information from the data subject or usage period, process personal information in a usage period, retention The.
② each treatment and retention of personal information is as follows:

4. The information about the third party providing the private information

①< Exodus Ent Ltd.> (‘CHOEAEDOL’) has to offer with the consent of the data subject, the laws of privacy laws, including special provisions in Article 17 and Article 18 only if the personal information to any third party.
②< Exodus Ent Ltd.> (‘CHOEAEDOL') is not to provide personal information to third parties.

5. Privacy consignment

①< Exodus Ent Ltd.> "(‘CHOEAEDOL’) is not entrusted to private information processing tasks.
②< Exodus Ent Ltd.> "(‘CHOEAEDOL’) is prohibited consignment agreement privacy laws when commissioning process personal information for purposes other than those carried out in accordance with Article 25, technical and administrative safeguards, re-charging limitations, management of trustee director, specifying the details on the contract, including liability for damages, including documents, if the trustee is supervised safely handle your personal information.
③ If the information or the trustees of the consignment to be changed, we will work to the public through this Privacy Policy without delay.

6. Rights of the data subject, obligations, and exercise methods

The users can exercise the following rights as personal data subjects.
① the information at any time, subject to the following: Exodus Ent Co., Ltd. (‘CHOEAEDOL'), you have the subparagraphs privacy rights.
1. Personal information required reading
2. If you have any needs, such as error correction
3. Delete required
4. Processing stops required
② exercise of rights under paragraph 1 Exodus Ent Co., Ltd. (‘CHOEAEDOL'), written in accordance with the Privacy Act Enforcement Rules of Attachment No. 8 Format for, e-mail, facsimile (FAX), etc. are available through the< institution / company Name> ('Site URL' than 'site name) is to let this action without delay.
③ If a data subject requests a correction or deletion of personal information, and error< institution / company name> (the 'Site URL' than 'site name) is the personal information until you complete (a) the correction or deletion use or do not.
④ exercise of rights under paragraph 1 may be through a representative or delegate such person who is the legal representative of the data subject. In this case, the Personal Information Protection Law Enforcement Regulations of the power of attorney must be submitted in accordance with Attachment No. 11 Rich.

7. Destruction of Personal Information

<Exodus Ent Ltd.> (‘CHOEAEDOL') is a rule, if the purpose of processing personal information has been achieved, you will destroy the private information without delay. Procedures for destruction, deadlines and methods are as follows:
- Destruction procedures
User-entered information is transferred to a separate DB after achieving the purpose will be destroyed after a certain period of time, depending on the stored (in the case of a separate paper documents) and other relevant laws and regulations or internal policies immediately. In this case, the personal data transferred to the DB will not be used for other purposes not stand the case according to law.
- Destruction deadline
User's personal information is held within 5 days from the end date of the period, when the retention period has elapsed privacy, personal data processing objectives, the abolition of the service, such as the personal information of the business is shut down when not required when personal information you are in the process destroying the personal information within 5 days from the date of deemed unnecessary.
- Destruction deadline
Electronic files of information must use the technical means I cannot play a record.

8. Ensure safety measures of personal information

<Exodus Ent Ltd. "('CHOEAEDOL') is the Personal Information Protection Act, pursuant to Article 29 and the technical/administrative, and physical measures necessary to ensure safety as follows:
① Privacy minimum of staff and training
Are designated for employees who handle personal information and minimize enforcement measures to limit the personnel to manage your personal information.
② audit conducted its regular
Personal information related to handling stability on a regular basis (quarterly) and conducting a self-audit.
③ establishment and implementation of the internal control plan
We develop and implement an internal control plan for the safe handling of personal information.
④ encryption of personal information
My personal information will be encrypted and password storage and management, and important data can be seen in person that you can only use extra security features such as encryption of files and transfer data or use file locking.
⑤ technical measures against hacking
<Exodus Ent Ltd. ('CHOEAEDOL') is installed and periodically update the security program to prevent personal information leakage and damage caused by hacking or computer viruses • checking and installing systems in areas to which access is controlled from the outside and technological / physically and surveillance and interception.
⑥ restrict access to personal information
Granting of access rights to the database system to process your personal information, change, through the cancellation has measures necessary for the access control for personal information, you are using a firewall controls unauthorized access from outside.
⑦ storage and forgery prevention of access records
Privacy recorded over a minimum of six months to keep connected to the processing system, and manage, and access records forgery and theft, we use security features to prevent loss.
⑧ Matters concerning the installation, operation, and refusal of an automatic personal information collection device;
Exodus ENT Co., Ltd. ('CHOEAEDOL') does not use a "cookie" that stores and finds users' information from time to time.

9. Privacy Officer creation

① Exodus Ent Ltd. ('www.myloveidol.com' below 'CHOEAEDOL) is responsible for personal information and to oversee the work on the processing, personal information of the data subject relating to complaints handling process and remedies such as the following for and specify the Privacy Officer.
▶ Privacy Officer
Name: Seongho Han
Title: CEO
Contact: +82-2-6959-5225, admin@myloveidol.com
※ links to the privacy department.
▶ Privacy departments
Department: Security team
Contact: Booyoung Park
Contact: +82-2-6959-5225, admin@myloveidol.com
② Regarding all that occurred privacy-related inquiries, complaints, information regarding the remedies you can contact the Privacy Officer and Division . Exodus Ent Co., Ltd. ("CHOEAEDOL ') is processed without delay and will keep you answer inquiries about the data subject.
③ In addition to the reception and processing department of the request for access under paragraph (1), the information subject may request for access to personal information through the website (www.privacy.go.kr).
▶ The Ministry of Public Administration and Security Privacy Support Portal → General → privacy complaints, such as personal information read request (for i-PIN identification (I-PIN) Must have)

10. Privacy viewed charge

As an institution under the< Business / Organization Name> and a separate agency,< Exodus Ent Ltd.> ('www.myloveidol.com' below 'CHOEAEDOL') own privacy complaints of, or remedies not satisfied with the result Please contact us if you need more help.
▶ Personal Information Infringement Report Center (Korea Internet& Security Agency operation)
- Competent service: privacy infringement notification, consultation with us
- Website: privacy.kisa.or.kr
- Tel: (no area code) 118
Address: (138-950), Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Internet& Security Agency 135 great privacy complaint center
▶ Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (Korea Internet& Security Agency operation)
- Competent service: privacy dispute arbitration, collective dispute resolution (civil resolution)
- Website: privacy.kisa.or.kr
- Tel: (no area code) 118
- Address: (138-950), Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea Internet& Security Agency 135 great privacy complaint center
▶ Prosecutors' Office Cyber Crime Division: 02-3480-3573 (www.spo.go.kr)
▶ Police Cyber Crime Division: 1566-0112 (www.netan.go.kr)

11. Change Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy applies from the effective date, if you have additions, deletions, and corrections for changes in accordance with the laws, regulations and policies will notice there is a notice through the seven days of the changes before implementation.