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      <HTML> <TITLE>24/12 Hour Switch Clock</TITLE> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function showMilitaryTime() { if (document.form.showMilitary[0].checked) { return true; } return false; } function showTheHours(theHour) { if (showMilitaryTime() || (theHour > 0 && theHour < 13)) { return (theHour); } if (theHour == 0) { return (12); } return (theHour-12); } function showZeroFilled(inValue) { if (inValue > 9) { return "" + inValue; } return "0" + inValue; } function showAmPm() { if (showMilitaryTime()) { return (""); } if (now.getHours() < 12) { return (" am"); } return (" pm"); } function showTheTime() { now = new Date document.form.showTime.value = showTheHours(now.getHours()) + ":" + showZeroFilled(now.getMinutes()) + ":" + showZeroFilled(now.getSeconds()) + showAmPm() setTimeout("showTheTime()",1000) } // End --> </script> <BODY onLoad="showTheTime()"> <!-- STEP THREE: Add the last code in the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <center><form name=form> <input type=text name=showTime size=11><p> <input type=radio name=showMilitary checked>24小时<br> <input type=radio name=showMilitary>12小时<br> </form></center>