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首页> 通讯> Bluetooth File Transfer V 5.32

Bluetooth File Transfer V 5.32

Bluetooth File Transfer
  • 软件类型:免费
  • 所属类别:通讯
  • 更新时间:2013-09-25
  • 程序大小:2.0M
  • 系统要求:1.5及更高版本
  • 推荐指数:
  • 开发者:Medieval Software

透過檔案傳輸規範(FTP)和物件交換規範 (OPP),即可用您的智能手機來瀏覽,探索和管理任何藍牙功能設備的檔案:還可接收檔案和寄送聯繫人資料!

指要> http://help.medieval.it(由“Absolutely Android”提供)


* Custom security manager for incoming BT connections: only authorized devices can connect, if you accept. If you refuse, no access is granted on your servers: personal data files and privacy are safe against hacker, nerd, geek and guru (enanched Bluetooth server security is disabled by default)

* 3rd party applications can open (or pick) files from sdcard using this package like attachment, music, pictures or any multimedia file (no external intents are supported for performance purpose)

* Support for legacy 2.0 and AES (128, 192 and 256 bit) encryption (both pack and unpack) of Zip files (like WinZIP or WinRAR) - keep private document secure using a long pass to protect it

* Enhanced all-in-one app with the fastest file browser ever seen (you can verify by yourself, test it now)

* Professional, clean and fast UI where you can customize any aspect of the file viewer. Customizable user interface in order to best fit your needs (expert only)

* Thumbnails for APK, audio, video, image (also inside archive files: Zip, GZip, TAR) - thumb picture (miniature) not stored on cell phone memory

* It can connect to new and old cellphone: nokia, samsung, lg, sony (Android does not support infrared IR pan)

* Search files also inside Zip, GZ, Tar (advanced searching inside archive can take double time to complete)

* Improved contact send function in order to manipulate telephone numbers on generated VCARD (vcf) files

* Cut, copy, move, paste, delete multiple items using the integrated explorer of this application

* You can full unhide (or hide) hidden media (both smartphone and sd memory)

* OBEX layer (obexftp and obexopp) entirely developed by Medieval Software

* Compress, uncompress and extract Zip (encrypt with password), GZip, Tar

* Cleaner program settings view using shortcut icons pane

* Sharing: you can share a single file or an entire path

* Powerful bookmark feature with precise sorting

* Contact send screen supports contacts groups
* Test and check archive integrity (deflate)
* Desktop folders shortcuts
* Calculate MD5 and CRC32
* Power saving management
* Streaming service
* No root required
* Multi language
* Multiselect
* Home folder
* File sort
* Open as

Freeware with AD (free software) - You can now remove advertising from this application by purchasing "Medieval Licensing System" on the Android Market!

NOTE - SDPD (uuid port route) may not work on Android 1.5 and 1.6 so friend services could not reach you!


FAQ> Why "Bluetooth File Transfer" requires the contact read permissions?

A. In order to send your contacts over Bluetooth, if you wish, for example to your car-kit or to another smartphone. Open main menu, select Send contacts item, put a check beside the contacts you would like to send and finally press Send button.

Bluetooth File TransferBluetooth File TransferBluetooth File Transfer


到论坛和大家讨论Bluetooth File Transfer的话题
黃愷賢 发表于 2013年09月09日
那個要ios跟安卓互傳的人,請取消你的負評 之所以ios的檔案不能跟安卓互傳的原因,是因為蘋果公司為了籠斷市場,所故意設下的限制,並不是軟體的問題。 不管你再找多少軟體,是決對找不到任何可以互傳檔案的(當然,非正當方法除外) 想互傳的話去跟蘋果講吧! 建議你在批評之前先充實ㄧ下自己的知識!
Google 用户 发表于 2013年05月24日
以前安卓4.0可以傳的啊...!! 一直有在用這app, 最近換了手機後(內建安卓4.1), 就無法與電腦連結傳輸檔案了...
星玥戀 发表于 2012年12月01日
關於配對問題 當你要配對新ㄉ裝置的時候 要用手機ㄉ”設定-->藍芽” 不要用他程式的配對.因為這樣會不完整 有出現要妳打配對密碼的.如果妳開著程式應該會跳出兩個視窗.看起來一樣.但…一個是系統ㄉ.一個是程式ㄉ 這時請拉下狀態欄.會有”要求配對”的通知.再去打密碼.這樣就okㄌ
Google 用户 发表于 2013年01月13日
4.2开始闪退,现在都4.3了,还没更新 4.2开始闪退,现在都4.3了,还没更新,作者不想再开发了吗?
Yi Abel 发表于 2013年03月05日
還好 手機明明root了,卻還是說我沒權限……
Google 用户 发表于 2013年04月22日