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首页> 天气> Astro Panel (Astronomy) V 2.15

Astro Panel (Astronomy) V 2.15

Astro Panel (Astronomy)
  • 软件类型:免费
  • 所属类别:天气
  • 更新时间:2013-09-25
  • 程序大小:1.2M
  • 系统要求:1.5及更高版本
  • 推荐指数:
  • 开发者:Shibby Developments

[*TEMPORARY issue with the 7Timer server. This should hopefully be resolved soon*]

Astronomy weather forecast. Forecast data is from 7Timer and includes:

- Cloud cover
- Seeing
- Transparency
- Humidity
- Wind
- Temperature
- Lunar Phase
- Lunar Altitude
- ISS Passes (automatically localised)
- Support for GPS-only devices
- Support for devices with no location services (manual long/lat entry)
- NEW overview graphic

Astro Panel is entirely free. If you would like to support me as a developer, please download my game, Finger Shepherd! (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=shibby.fingershepherd)

This lightweight astronomy app detects your location and uses it to instantly give you a forecast that is highly localized and works worldwide.

***Uses 7Timer's Astro Panel to achieve this (see http://7timer.y234.cn). The forecast grid and key are loaded directly from this website***

Please note I am not affiliated with 7Timer in any way.

Please contact me with any bugs/feedback!

About 7Timer
7Timer!, pronounced as "Tri-Timer", means "bell of clear sky" in Chinese. It is a series of meteorological forecast products. Most of the products base on a numeric weather model from NOAA/NCEP, called GFS, and aim on short-term (up to 16 days) weather forecast service for special purpose, for example, astronomical activities, or meteorological condition assessment. 7Timer! was first introduced in mid 2005 and has been revised for better fitting of public service operation in mid 2008. It's first designed as a weather forecast tool for astronomical purpose, as the author himself is a long-term astronomer and is always annoyed by fluky weather conditions.

Astro Panel (Astronomy)Astro Panel (Astronomy)Astro Panel (Astronomy)


到论坛和大家讨论Astro Panel (Astronomy)的话题
Google 用户 发表于 2013年04月08日
Great app!! Very helpful and easy to use!!
Lei Zhang 发表于 2013年08月17日
刘普顺 发表于 2013年09月22日
chenglin miao 发表于 2013年05月08日