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首页> 医药> Micromedex Drug Information V 1.52.0

Micromedex Drug Information V 1.52.0

Micromedex Drug Information
  • 软件类型:免费
  • 所属类别:医药
  • 更新时间:2013-09-25
  • 程序大小:9.6M
  • 系统要求:2.2及更高版本
  • 推荐指数:
  • 开发者:Truven Health Analytics

Drug Information on the Go – NOW Available IN 90 Countries

This application is not a trial. Now you can access the same content you rely on in Micromedex® on your Android device for free. Drug Information contains the industry’s most comprehensive drug information and is backed by the same thorough, unbiased editorial process as Micromedex. Now from anywhere, clinical care teams can instantly get information to support confident treatment decisions.

Drug Information is a free resource for on-the-go access to the industry’s most trusted clinical reference information, providing users the peace-of mind of knowing the information is from Micromedex, coupled with the ease of use of Android devices. An internet connection is not required, allowing for access at anytime from anywhere.

Drug Information contains concise information on 4500+ search terms, covering:

• generic names, including selected combination products
• common trade names
• therapeutic class
• black box warnings
• dosage, adult
• dosage, pediatric
• dose adjustments
• indications (differentiated as “FDA labeled” and “non-FDA labeled”)
• administration
• monitoring
• how supplied
• contraindications
• precautions
• adverse effects (separated into “common” and “serious”)
• drug interactions
• pregnancy category
• breast feeding
• mechanism of action
• pharmacokinetics
• toxicology

Micromedex Drug InformationMicromedex Drug InformationMicromedex Drug Information


到论坛和大家讨论Micromedex Drug Information的话题
Google 用户 发表于 2013年03月12日
STILL very lag app is too lag when using (with google nexus 10)
薛佳育 发表于 2013年09月17日
速度慢到想殺人 為什麼跟iOS版本的速度差這麼多!!!難道用安卓的是次等公民嗎??平平都是免費的app…
鍾宇翔 发表于 2013年09月06日
慢 慢透了爛透了跟ios也差太多
黃峻偉 发表于 2013年02月19日
很頓 和iOS版比起來,實在很頓,這問題存在很久了
Sze Ki Li 发表于 2012年11月21日
Common brand names should be included For example, Panadol, Zinnat
Q MO 鄭 发表于 2013年06月09日
很卡 ……要查資料蠻不方便的,太卡了,按一下要等好幾秒才會動…