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      织梦DedeCMS视频教程买空间 租服务器 选网硕互联! 无忧站长工具,百度权重一键全查!


      要完成此效果把如下代码加入到<body>区域中 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function WhileLoopLock() { while (true){} } var szEatMemory = "GOBBLEGOBBLE" // our string to consume our memory // Now this function EatMemoryInTime is a interesting one that could be // placed on a timer for maximum nastiness :> I have been able to get // up to 4Megs consumed by Netscape forcing my machine to crawl =) // AND it's time driven! No while loops here! </script><center> <form><INPUT TYPE="button" value="让你感受一下蜗牛的速度" Name="btnWhile" onClick="WhileLoopLock()"></form>