

      At a Glance, who am I compatible with?

      ARIES goes with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.


      TAURUS goes with Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces.


      GEMINI goes with Libra, Aquarius, Aries and Leo.


      CANCER goes with Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo.


      LEO goes with Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra.


      VIRGO goes with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio.


      LIBRA goes with Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.


      SCORPIO goes with Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn.


      SAGITTARIUS goes with Leo, Aries, Libra and Aquarius.


      CAPRICORN goes with Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces.


      AQUARIUS goes with Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries.


      PISCES goes with Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus.
