托福语法技巧:be 表示存在,be+形容词



      Tom is a carpenter.


      The dog is in the garden.


      Malta is an island.


      The roads were rough and narrow.


      Gold is a metal.


      Peter was tall and fair.



      I am hot/cold.


      He was excitnd/calm.


      They will be happy/unhappy.


      be和某些形容词例如quiet/noisy,good/bad,wise/foolish等连用时可以用进行式,如Tom is being foolish(汤姆此刻正在说傻话或做傻事),意指主语此刻正在表现出这种特征。

      试把这个句子与Tom is foolish(汤姆很愚蠢)相比较。后一句意指汤姆在言谈和行动上总是愚蠢的。同理:

      The children are being quiet.


      They are playing quietly now.


      但如果说The children are quiet,则可能意指孩子们平时总是安静地玩。


      annoying generous/mean

      cautious/rash helpful/unhelpful

      clever/stupid irritating

      difficult mysterious

      economical/extravagant optimistic/pessimistic

      formal polite

      funny selfish/unselfish

      其中有些形容词如 stupid,difficult,funny,polite等用于进行式时,可以意味着主语有意这样做。

      You are being stupid(你有意装傻)可以意指 You are not try-ing to understand(你不想努力弄懂)。

      He is being difficult(他故意犯别扭)通常意味着 He is raising unnecessary objections(他正在提出一些不必要的异议)。

      He is being funny(他在故意做出滑稽可笑的样子)通常意味着He is only joking.Don’t believe him(他只是开玩笑,不要相信他)。

      She is just being polite(她只是做出有礼貌的样子)可能意指She is only pretending to admire your car/clothes/house等(她装做表示羡慕你的车子/衣服/房子等)。


      -How old are you?

      -I am ten./I am ten years old.


      -我十岁了。(但不能说:I am ten years.)

      -How old is the tower?

      -It is 400 years old.来源:


      -它有400年的历史了。(在说明事物的年代多久时,必须用years old。)


      -How tall are you?/What is your height?

      -I am 1.65 metres.



      -How high are we now?

      -We’re about 20, 000 feet.



      -What is your weight?/What do you weigh?How much do you weigh?

      -I am 65 kilos./I weigh 65 kilos.




      -How much is this melon?/What does this melon cost?

      -It’s £1.



      The best sats are(=cost)£5.
