
查字典中考网 2015年08月17日

      1)表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果.常与already, just, ever, never, before等词连用. 如:

      She has never read this novel.

      2)表示 过去的动作一直延续到现在并有可能继续延续下去. 常与for (后跟段时间)或since (后跟点时间)等连用.如:

      I have been a member of the Party for 10 years.

      I have been a member of the Party since 10 years ago.

      注:在有for 和since 引导时间状语的句子中不能用短暂性动词,应用与之相应的表示状态的词。如:

      He has died for 3 years.(F)

      He has been dead for 3 years.(T)

      注:①现在完成时不能和表示明确的过去时间连用。如:in 1998, last morning等

      ②have/has been to 表示去过(去了又回来了)

      have/has gone to 表示去过(去了没回来了)

      如:Where has she gone?(句中所指的人不在)

      Where has she been?(句中作指的人在)

