
查字典中考网 2015年08月17日





      a stone bridge 石桥

      a meeting room 会议室

      morning exercise 早操

      London Airport 伦敦机场

      a story book 故事书

      a shoe shop 鞋店

      B. man, woman要与所修饰的名词的单复数一致。

      a woman teacher 一位女教师

      two women teachers 两位女教师

      C. sports, sales, clothes, goods, arts, customs等只用复数形式。

      a sports meet 运动会

      a goods train 货车

      customs house 海关

      a sales manager 营业主任




      a garden chair=a chair in the garden

      Canada wheat=wheat from Canada

      safety regulations=regulations for safety

      machine shop practice=practice in a machine shop


      race problemracial problem

      China cottonChinese cotton

      launch padlaunching pad

      research workerresearching worker



      the Tom composition=Toms composition

      the Carter grin=Carters grin


      investment money= money that is set apart for investment

      the milk boy= the boy who brings the milk




      a department decision(a decision which is made by the department)

      the volcano eruption(the eruption that is made by the volcano)


      a drug addict(a person who is addicted to drug)

      an animal trainer(a man who trains the animal)


      impulse buying=buying on impulse

      instrument flying=flying by means of instrument


      Judge Darling Singer Carpenter Cardinal Nelson。


      a supplier country= a country which is a supplier

      a killer shark= a shark who is a killer

      her lawyer brother=her brother who is a lawyer

      traitor and robber Dickinson=Dickinson


      1. 在通常情况下,如果没有相应的派生形容词,原则上可直接用名词作定语,或与之构成合成词。

      hair style 发型

      tooth ache 牙疼

      service counter 服务台

      cat food 猫食

      bank account 银行户头

      car park 停车场

      blood pressure 血压

      birth control 生育控制

      table tennis 乒乓球

      labor force 劳动力

      road works 道路工程

      winter sports 冬季运动

      2. 如果名词有相应的派生形容词,则要注意分清两者在意义上的区别。

      (1) horror films 恐怖影片

      horrible films 令人感到恐怖的影片

      (2) a wonder book 一部充满奇事的书

      a wonderful book 一部奇妙的书

      (3) a stone path 一条石板路

      a stony path 一条铺满碎石的路

      (4) education experts 教育专家(从事教育工作的专家)

      educational films 教育影片(具有教育意义的影片) (5) gold reserve 黄金储备

      golden sunshine 金色阳光

      (6) silver coins 银币

      silvery hair 银白的头发

      (7) heart trouble 心脏病

      a hearty welcome 热情的欢迎

      (8) snow mountain 雪山

      snowy table-cloth 雪白的桌布

      (9) rain drops 雨滴

      rainy season 雨季(指多雨的季节)

      (10) rose garden 玫瑰园

      rosy checks 红红的面颊

      (11) color film 彩色电影

      colorful costumes 色彩鲜艳的服装

      (12) mountain village 山村(山里的村庄)

      mountainous region 山区(多山地区)

      虽然名词可以代替形容词作定语,但并不是所有名词都可以和与它同词根的形容词或分词互相替换。有时二者在意义和功能方面有很大的差别。一般说来,形容词表现的是东西的性能、形状、颜色等(表象的)。而名词表现的则是某样东西的质地、来源、目的等(本质的)。 在习惯用法中,有时形容词并不表示性质、状态,而是表示目的和用途。这种用法相当于形容词+名词所表达的意义。

      科技英语:scientific English=English used in scientific readings

      刑法律师:criminal lawyer=lawyer dealing with criminal cases

      Foreign Office=Foreign Affairs Office

      sick room=sick people room

      comparative literature=comparative study literature

      3. 有时在汉语看来,似乎要用形容词作定语,但英语习惯上却要用名词作定语。

      science fiction 科幻小说

      Because of health reasons 因为健康原因

      health situation 健康状况

      health insurance 健康保险

      convenience food 方便食品

      convenience store 方便小商店

      popular science books 科学普及读物



      a story book 故事书

      a coffee cup 咖啡杯

      a baby girl 女婴

      a school gate 校门

      eye drops 眼药水

      test paper 考卷

      book report 读书报告

      train station 火车站

      plane ticket 机票

      pocket money 零花钱

      generation gap 代沟


      1. 有些只有复数形式的名词,则用复数作定语。

      goods train 货车

      clothes shop 服装店

      an arts degree 文科学位

      customs officer 海关人员

      2. 有些习惯上要用复数的名词也用复数作定语。

      sports car 跑车

      savings bank 储蓄银行

      3. 当 man, woman 用于名词前作定语表示性别时,若被修饰的名词为复数,则 man, woman 也要用复数。

      men nurses 男护士

      women doctors 女医生

      4. 有时复数名词作定语可视为复数名词所有格作定语的省略形式。 a teachers college 师范学院(teachers 等于 teachers)

      trousers pockets 裤兜(trousers 等于 trousers)

      eight hours sleep 八个小时睡眠(hours 等于 hours)

      a three weeks training 三周训练(weeks 等于 weeks)

      注:eight hours sleep 之类的说法,既可表达为 eight hourssleep,也可表达为 an eight-hour sleep。类似的有:a five-second pause一次五秒钟的停顿;a ten-minute break一次十分钟的中间休息;a two-hour exam一次两小时的考试



      world record holder 世界纪录保持者

      fire escape ladder 太平梯

      Christmas morning exchange of presents 圣诞早上的礼物交换

      mountain village school teacher 山村学校教师

      house property tax office building 房产税务局的大楼


      television transmission satellite 电视转播卫星

      air surface vessel radar 飞机对水面舰艇雷达

      motor car repair and assembly plant 汽车修配厂

      high voltage switch gear factory 高压开关厂



      a long-distance call 长途电话

      first-class tickets 头等舱机票

      a deep-sea diver 深海潜水员

      a full-page advertisement 整版广告

      one-way traffic 单向交通

      present-day life 现今的生活

      a part-time job 部分时间的工作

      day-to-day teaching 日常教学

      one-parent families 单亲家庭

      a family-dinner party 家庭宴会
