


      Bill would enjoy a game and Tom would too/so would Tom.



      Bill likes golf and Tom likes golf(too).



      Bill likes golf and Tom does too/so does Tom.


      -The boys cheated!

      -The girls did too!/So did the girls!




      -I’m having a tooth out tomorrow.

      -So’m I.





      -Bill hasn’t got a licence.

      -But Donald has.



      She doesn’t eat meat but her husband does.


      The horse wasn’t hurt but the rider was.



      He likes pop music but I don’t.


      You can go but I can’t.


      Peter passed the test but Bill didn’t.



      Tom never goes to concerts,neither does his wife.


      -Ann hasn’t any spare time.

      -Neither/Nor have I.



      -I didn’t get much sleep last night.

      -Neither/Nor did I.




      He didn’t like the book;I didn’t either.


      They don’t mind the noise;we don’t either.



      I didn’t like it either.


      We don’t mind it either.
