
查字典中考网 2015年08月17日


      --John,there is ________Mr Wilson on the phone for you.

      --Im in( ) bath.

      A.a;the B.the;a C.a;不填 D. the;不填



      The most important thing about cotton in history is ________part that it played in ________Industrial Revolution.

      A.不填;不填 B.the;不填 C.the;the D.a;the

      【答案及解析】C part意指作用。特指工业革命时期所起的作用应加the,由普通名词构成的专有名词前用the。因此c为正确答案。


      While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope.Newton made discover which completely changed ________mans understanding of colour.

      A.a;不填 B.a;the C.不填;the D.the;a


