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首页> 通讯> Bluetooth Auto Connect V 3.3.3

Bluetooth Auto Connect V 3.3.3

Bluetooth Auto Connect
  • 软件类型:免费
  • 所属类别:通讯
  • 更新时间:2013-09-24
  • 程序大小:1,023k
  • 系统要求:3.0及更高版本
  • 推荐指数:
  • 开发者:UniqTec

Bluetooth Auto Connectis a solution to your bluetooth connection problems. It automatically tries to connect to your Bluetooth devices when Bluetooth has been turned on or when your device screen goes on.
First, connect and pair with your Bluetooth device manually (this is a requirement) and then just turn off and on Bluetooth (or leave Bluetooth on and turn the screen on) and it will auto connect.

☆☆☆☆☆ “Best app, best developer! - Best app! Made a suggestion to the developer, it was done the very next day! AWESOME is an understatement!” - Customer feedback
☆☆☆☆☆ “Very good - Works extremely well, thanks for such a great app, use it everyday with my cars blue tooth...very convenient.” - Customer feedback
☆☆☆☆☆ “Good job - Very good app does what its supposed to” - Customer feedback

See FAQ for more information: http://www.uniqtec.eu/applications/bluetooth-auto-connect.html

■ Auto connect to all devices
■ Specify many global profiles
■ Prioritize your devices and select profiles for each
■ Control Bluetooth state for docked, charged and incoming / outgoing call events
■ Turn Bluetooth off after inactivity
■ Disable some devices
■ Shortcut support
■ Retry After

■ Bluetooth on
■ Screen on
■ Power and dock connected
■ Device connected and device disconnected

■ Media audio (A2DP)
■ Call audio (HSP)
■ Health (HDP)
■ Input Device (HID)
■ Networking (PAN)
■ Phone Book (PBAP)

■ Tasker integration (run a task from Tasker)
■ Audio notification (play a notification sound)
■ Run app

■ Advanced settings
■ Priority retry
■ Tasker and Locale plugin
■ Runs as a service which releases itself automatically when not needed
■ Suitable for Samsung S3 and others
■ No configuration required with auto mode

See our website for more information and FAQ

Bluetooth Auto ConnectBluetooth Auto ConnectBluetooth Auto Connect


到论坛和大家讨论Bluetooth Auto Connect的话题
chi wai Tang 发表于 2012年09月29日
美中不足 希望有繁體中文版,謝謝
Lee Tim 发表于 2013年05月08日
Good function and quick update Perfect software also the quick response from author
chen weite 发表于 2013年03月15日
跟automatelt pro 一起用很方便 來電時可以自動啟動藍芽連結耳機,因為noet 8.0 還有sony mw1 有時會斷線就要手動在重連
Google 用户 发表于 2013年05月23日
I have to say it is great.
Leon Gu 发表于 2013年01月24日
great don't need select device every time