

      环球艺术国际设计奖  Universal Art International Design Award


      Abbreviated as "Environmental Art Award" (abbreviated UAIDA), born in 2012, a more professional and authoritative international design award; As a driving force for contributing to contemporary art creation, it is a professional creative design award for Chinese design institutions, designers and design students in art academies in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), the Asia-Pacific region and around the world. Committed to using design to deeply analyze the new visual language of human beings, and explore the source of life of human design awakening; Present better inspiration and better human thinking to the world through design works, promote international art and design exchanges and cooperation, and promote the influence of the design community on the world.

      01举办单位 | Host Units




      02评审准则 | Judging Criteria

      03参赛资格|Entry Rules



      * 注:参赛者可按个人(小组)意愿提交作品,数量不限;



      * 注:参赛者可按个人(小组)意愿提交作品,数量不限;

      04参赛类别|Competing Category

      /视觉传达类 (品牌、VI系统、标志、包装、书籍、吉祥物、字体、海报、招贴、插画等)

      B /产品造型类(各种工业产品的外观、造型、结构、工艺、材料等)

      C /环境空间类(景观、园林、建筑、室内、展示、规划等)

      D /服装饰品类(服装、珠宝、染织、面料、鞋帽、佩戴饰品等)

      E /数字媒体(应用程序、动态图像、网站、动画短片、摄影、其他) (请以图片形式投奖)

      F /其他类别(不属于前5类别的,不限具体艺术形式) (请以图片形式参赛)

      05奖项设置|Award Setting


      1 ) 金艺奖、银艺奖、铜艺奖、优秀奖、提名奖。(名额待定,根据大赛的实际来稿数量和质量确定,预计本届获奖率超60%);

      2 ) 环球艺术贡献奖 (凡组织5件以上作品统一报名的院校指导教师,并在邮件中注明教师简单信息的,均可获得)。


      1 ) 本届所有奖项获得者均颁发《获奖证书》;

      2 ) 本届所有获奖者将获得“环球艺术国际设计奖委员会会员”的资格,并颁发钢印《会员证》;

      3 ) 本届获奖者及其指导老师将聘请部分担任“2024环球艺术国际设计奖荣誉评委”,并颁发《聘书》;


      06作品提交|Work Submitted






      07参赛时间|Competition Time

      参赛费用|Entry Fee



      学生组每件参赛作品收取 :6美元 / 39元人民币    (系列作品按一件计算)

      专业组每件参赛作品收取:12美元 / 79元人民币    (系列作品按一件计算)




      学生组每件参赛作品收取 :9美元 / 59元人民币    (系列作品按一件计算)

      专业组每件参赛作品收取:18美元 / 119元人民币   (系列作品按一件计算)__________________________________________________________________________________ 





      08支付方式|Payment Method




      09官方咨询|Official Consultation






      10相关申明|Relevant Declarations


      The entry works of the participants must be the original works of the participants themselves (or the group), if there is any plagiarism of other people's ideas and other works that do not meet the requirements for the competition, or the work has intellectual property rights, copyright disputes, etc., the organizing committee will cancel the qualification and the participants will bear the consequences. The organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation of any doubts arising from the rules of this design award, and any unspecified matters related to this design award shall be further formulated and interpreted by the organizing committee. The organizer has the right to publicize, publish, distribute, display and exhibit the selected works.

      中国 ● 美国 ● 德国 ● 英国 ● 法国 ● 韩国  ● 日本 ● 台湾

      北京 ● 纽约 ● 伦敦 ● 首尔 ● 巴黎 ● 东京  ● 深圳 ● 上海 ● 广州

