
沪江英语网 2023年04月10日 11:00







      1.主谓(不及物动词)He smiles.

      2.主谓(单宾动词)+宾 I saw him.

      3.主谓(双宾动词)+间宾+直宾 John told me a story.

      4.主谓(宾补动词)+宾+宾补 I made him angry.

      5.主系(系动词)表 The leaves are brown.






      China gives online retailers the opportunity.


      数百万的 (在线零售商)→ millions of

      销售商品的 (机会)→ to sell goods

      China gives millions of online retailers the opportunity to sell goods.


      以极具竞争力的价格:At highly competitive prices

      China gives millions of online retailers the opportunity to sell goods at highly competitive prices.


      (状),主 谓 (宾)(宾)(补)(状)

      (状),主 系 表 (状)








      the Lantern Festival 元宵节

      the Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节

      the Dragon-boat Festival 端午节

      the Double-ninth Day 重阳节

      Mogao Grottoes 敦煌莫高窟

      the Yellow Mountain 黄山

      the Imperial Palace 故宫

      the Temple of Heaven 天坛

      the Grand Canal 大运河

      the Moat 护城河

      Suzhou gardens 苏州园林

      Sichuan cuisine 川菜

      Canton cuisine 粤菜

      rice cake 年糕

      steamed stuffed buns 包子

      wonton (dumplings in soup) 馄饨

      100-year egg; century egg 皮蛋

      tomatoes on sticks 糖葫芦


      housing problem 住房问题

      urban expansion 城市扩张

      population aging 人口老龄化

      TV talent show 电视选秀节目

      copycat products 山寨产品

      food safety 食品安全

      left-behind children 留守儿童

      ant tribe 蚁族

      plastic surgery 整形手术

      be addicted to the Internet 上网成瘾


      social practice 社会实践

      compulsory education 义务教育

      exam-oriented/quality-oriented education 应试/素质教育

      to skip classes 逃课

      arts/science 文科/理科

      diploma 文凭

      personal specialty 个人特长

      career fair 招聘会

      job hunting 找工作

      recruitment 招聘

      the only child 独生子女

      to follow suit 效仿

