
沪江英语网 2023年06月15日 11:07





      in a room / in a building


      in a garden / in a park


      I have two TVs in my house.


      They live in that building over there.



      in the water


      in the sea


      in a river


      I like swimming in lakes when the weather is hot.


      You can catch fish in the river.



      in a row / in a line


      in a queue


      Let's stand in line and get a ticket to the concert.


      We had to wait in a queue to get into the bank.


      d. in与城市、县、州、地区和国家搭配

      Peter lives in Chicago.


      Helen is in France this month. Next month she'll be in Germany.





      at the bus-stop


      at the door


      at the cinema


      at the end of the street


      I'll meet you at the movie theater at six o'clock.


      He lives in the house at the end of the street.


      b. at与页面位置进行搭配

      The name of the chapter is at the top of the page.


      The page number can be found at the bottom of the page.


      c. at与一群人进行搭配

      at the back of the class


      at the front of the class


      Tim sits at the back of the class.


      Please come and sit down at the front of the class.





      on the ceiling / on the wall / on the floor


      on the table


      I put the magazine on the table.


      That's a beautiful painting on the wall.


      b. on与小岛进行搭配

      I stayed on Maui last year. It was great!


      We visited friends who live on an island in the Bahamas.


      c. on与方向进行搭配

      on the left


      on the right


      straight on


      Take the first street on the left and continue to the end of the road.


      Drive straight on until you come to a gate.




      1.In / at / on the corner


      我们会说in the corner of a room,at the corner (或on the corner)of a street。

      I put the chair in the corner of the bedroom of the house on the corner of 52nd Street.


      I live at the corner of 2nd Avenue.


      2.In / at / on the front


      我们会说in the front / in the back of a car(车子前方/后方)

      I get to sit in the front Dad!


      You can lay down and sleep in the back of the car.


      我们会说at the front / at the back of buildings / groups of people(在建筑物/一群人前面/后面)

      The entrance door is at the front of the building.


      我们会说on the front / on the back of a piece of paper(纸张正面/背面)

      Write your name on the front of the paper.


      You'll find the grade on the back of the page.





      I drove into the garage and parked the car.


      Peter walked into the living room and turned on the TV.





      He put the magazines onto the table.


      Alice put the plates onto the shelf in the cupboard.



      6.Out of

      当表示将某物拉出来或者离开房间时,可以使用out of。

      I took the clothes out of the washer.


      He drove out of the garage.





      1. My friend now lives _____ Arizona.


      2. Go down the street and take the first street _____ the right.


      3. That's a beautiful pictures _____ the wall.


      4. My friend lives _____ the island of Sardinia.


      5. He's the man _____ the front the room.


      6. He drove the car _____ the garage.


      7. I'll meet you _____ the shopping mall.


      8. I like to sit _____ the back of the room.


      9. Tom went swimming _____ the lake.


      10. Let's stand _____ the line to see the movie.




      1. in

      2. on

      3. on

      4. on

      5. at

      6. into / out of

      7. at

      8. in

      9. in

      10. in
