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Radmin3.2特别版 (080425)

  • 软件大小:8.06 MB
  • 更新日期:2008-06-27
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件类别:远程监控
  • 软件授权:共享软件
  • 软件官网:未知
  • 适用平台:Win2003, WinXP, Win2000, NT, WinME
  • 软件厂商:




04/25/2008 Famatech has released an updated Radmin 3.2
(此前国内流传的 Radmin 3.2影子版其实是在官方2.1版本基础上修改而成,2.1版本的内核在控制时占用CPU资源极高,且由于推出多年,安全隐患很大)

此官方版本3.2支持最新Vista SP1及Windows Server 2008系统,强烈推荐各Radmin使用者更新到此版本(最少更新到官方2.2)版本。

rview32cn.exe 控制端(无需破解并可向下兼容所有版本的服务器端)
rserv32cn.exe 服务器端
New TrialStop 服务器端30日破解程序,在安装服务器端后运行install.bat即可,可隐藏服务器端图标。但需增加系统一个进程,不过占用资源很小,可以忽略。此前版本在卡巴斯基某个日期的更新时会提示病毒,是误报,可将其添加到信任区域就OK。

What's New in Radmin 3.2 Remote Control

Update: 04/25/2008

Support for Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit).
Support for Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit).
Left-hand mouse support.
Support for 27 languages.

Faster speed and smooth performance.

What's New in Radmin 3.1 Remote Control

Update: 11/02/2007

Support for 64-bit Windows operating systems (Windows XP/2003/Vista 64-bit).
Support for right-to-left languages, namely Arabic and Hebrew.

Installation process:
Installation file size is decreased.
An exception rule for the Radmin port in the Windows Firewall settings is created automatically upon Radmin installation.
New Radmin installation will replace the previous one while retaining server settings.

Activation process:
Proxy-server is supported when activating Radmin Server copy.
Support for Radmin Activation Server (a new piece of software developed by Famatech that enables system administrators in large local networks to easily deploy and activate Radmin Server).

What's New in Radmin 3.01 Remote Control

Minor update: 07/03/2007

Installation Process:
License key activation for all computers within a domain is enabled (remote domain activation using ".MST" file).
Installation file size is decreased by 2 MB.
The system restart check was improved.

Radmin Viewer:
Radmin Viewer is now compatible with Wine (remote control from Linux machines enabled).
The titles of the Full Control and View Only windows now start with the connection name, so it is easier to distinguish remote computers when working on more than one remote machine.

Radmin Server:
Compatibility with Korean and Chinese versions of Windows Vista is enabled.
Improved compatibility of Radmin Mirror Driver with current video card drivers.

What's New in Radmin 3.0 Remote Control

Update: 02/06/2007

Main Radmin Viewer window:
Folders in Radmin phonebook.
Explorer-like tree view window with Radmin folders.
Drag and drop of items and folders.
Radmin phonebook stored in the file.
Export-import phonebook files.
Scan for currently accessible Radmin Servers.
Ability to create desktop shortcuts to phonebook items.
Options dialog in main window.
Defaults for new connections in options.
Global options for Remote Screen, File transfer, Chat, Audio Chat in the main window options.
Minimize Radmin Viewer’s main window to its tray icon.

Remote Screen Window:
Full screen stretched view mode.
Smooth scaling of the remote screen window.
Toolbar at the top allows for fast switching between connection modes, sending key combinations, switching view modes and changing current remote monitor.
Server cursor support in two ways: replace local cursor, draw with screen updates.
Mouse wheel and additional buttons support.
Auto mouse scroll in the Remote Screen window.
Multiple monitors support.
Support for color modes from 1-bit to 24-bit true color.
Special keystrokes handling (Alt-Tab, Windows key, etc).
Configurable keyboard shortcuts for Radmin commands.
Fast launch of other connections (file transfer, chat, voice, telnet) from the Remote Screen window without re-entering passwords.
Ability to keep aspect ratio in stretched view.
Support for Unicode clipboard contents.
Smooth scaling.

File Transfer mode:
Vertical panel splitting.
Movable toolbar and combo box panels.
New hotkeys added t access folder selection menu, sort files and folders, copy selected files and directories, rename files and folders, switch between panes and refresh the active pane.
Hotkey to open new file transfer window without entering login and password.
Large files transfer support.
Execute files on the local computer.
File names in Unicode format support.

New connection modes:
Multi-user chat.
Multi-user audio chat.
Ability to send a message to a server.

Radmin Server:

Unmatched speed and low CPU usage.
New DirectScreenTransfer technology using new video hook driver.
Full compatibility with Windows Vista 32 bit.
Support of Fast User Switching on Windows XP and Vista.
New optimized network protocol.
Multiple monitors support.
Support of sending cursor shape and position.
New options interface.
New Radmin security settings interface.
New Windows security settings interface.
Logs in HTML format.
New IP filtering settings interface.
Select interface language and an option to auto select language.
Ability to disable specific connection modes.
Settings for text and voice chat.

Advanced 256-bit AES encryption for all sending and receiving data.
Kerberos authentication protocol support.
New Radmin security supports users with individual rights.
Radmin security uses new authentication method based on Diffie-Hellman key exchange with 2048-bit key size.
New Windows security settings interface with support for Trusted Domains for Windows NT 4.0 and Active Directory for Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2000.
DNS name and user name info added to the log file.
Five bad passwords sequence security delay.

Text chat:
Private instant messaging.
Multi-user, real time text chat conversations.
Custom fonts, text color and size, custom nickname.
New channels including password protected channels.
Operator can kick out specific users from a chat.
Create new channels, including password-protected channels.
Send text messages to multiple users.
Save chat history in a separate log.
User-friendly interface, control with the mouse and using hotkeys and text commands.
256-bit encryption enabled for all transferred data.

Voice chat:
Private, real time voice chat conversations (VoIP analog).
Multi-user, real time voice chat conversations.
Conference mode with microphone queue.
Customizable voice quality to save bandwidth and traffic.
Creating multiple public and private channels.
Channel protection with user and operator passwords.
Short text message sending.
Record conversations to .wav files.
Set optimum bandwidth for voice chat.
256-bit encryption enabled for all transferred data.


