
查字典网 2024年06月16日 14:26:28


      见经识经(jiàn jīng shí jīng)

      Pronunciation: jiàn jīng shí jīng

      Basic Meaning: To have a wide knowledge and understanding of various classics and scriptures

      Detailed Explanation: The idiom "见经识经" is composed of two characters: "见" meaning "to see" or "to encounter," "经" meaning "classics" or "scriptures," and "识" meaning "to know" or "to recognize." Together, it conveys the meaning of having a broad knowledge and understanding of various classics and scriptures.

      Usage Scenarios: This idiom is often used to describe someone who has a deep understanding of various fields of knowledge, especially in literature, philosophy, or history. It implies that the person has studied and mastered a wide range of important texts and can apply their knowledge in different situations.

      Story Origin: The origin of this idiom can be traced back to ancient China. In ancient times, scholars and intellectuals were highly respected for their deep understanding of classics and scriptures. They were seen as the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. The idiom "见经识经" emerged to praise those individuals who had dedicated themselves to studying and mastering various texts.

      Structure of the Idiom: This idiom follows a subject-verb-object structure. "见经" is the subject, meaning "to see the classics," and "识经" is the object, meaning "to know the classics."

      Example Sentences:

      1. 他是一个见经识经的学者,对于中国古代文化有着深刻的理解。

      Translation: He is a scholar who has a wide knowledge and understanding of various classics and scriptures, with a profound understanding of ancient Chinese culture.

      2. 她的见经识经让她在文学领域取得了很大的成就。

      Translation: Her wide knowledge and understanding of various classics and scriptures has enabled her to achieve great success in the field of literature.

      Memory Techniques: To remember the meaning of "见经识经," you can break it down into its individual characters. "见" can be associated with "see" or "encounter," "经" can be associated with "classics" or "scriptures," and "识" can be associated with "know" or "recognize." By understanding the meanings of these individual characters, it becomes easier to remember the overall meaning of the idiom.

      Extended Learning: To further understand the concept of "见经识经," you can explore the various classics and scriptures that are considered important in Chinese culture, such as the Four Books and Five Classics. By studying these texts, you can gain a deeper understanding of the historical and philosophical aspects of Chinese civilization.

      Example Sentences from Different Age Groups:

      1. Children: 我希望将来成为一个见经识经的科学家,探索未知的世界。

      Translation: I hope to become a scientist who has a wide knowledge and understanding of various fields, exploring the unknown world.

      2. Teenagers: 她是我们班的见经识经的学霸,无论什么问题都可以向她请教。

      Translation: She is the top student in our class who has a wide knowledge and understanding of various subjects. We can always turn to her for help with any question.

      3. Adults: 作为一名教师,我努力让学生们见经识经,培养他们的综合素养。

      Translation: As a teacher, I strive to help students develop a wide knowledge and understanding of various subjects, cultivating their overall competence.