初三英语作文:good things for us_600字

作文网 2023年12月06日

      Each season has wind. The warm wind in spring,the hot wind in summer,the gold wind in autumn and cold wind in winter are all called wind,but their tempers are quite different.
      When spring es,warm wind wakes up everything;many flowers e out .It can bring us joy.
      In hot summer,the sweats roll down from our checks. Everything needs wind,but wind often hide and seek with us.
      Autumn es. Cool wind blows yellow leaves down. The corn is ripe and all the fields bee yellow. The farmers are busy getting in crops. It can bring us the happiness of harvest.
      In cold winter,cold wind blows so hard that everyone can hardly open his eyes
      Wind,we wele you,need you,but sometimes hate you. Will you please obey us and do good things for us.
