The Mouse and the Bull

查字典英语网 2012年03月05日


      ABULLwasbittenbyaMouseand, angeredbythewound, triedto

      capturehim. ButtheMousereachedhisholeinsafety. Though

      theBulldugintothewallswithhishorns, hetiredbeforehe

      couldroutouttheMouse, andcrouchingdown, wenttosleep

      outsidethehole. TheMousepeepedout, creptfurtivelyuphis

      flank, andagainbitinghim, retreatedtohishole. TheBull

      risingup, andnotknowingwhattodo, wassadlyperplexed. At

      whichtheMousesaid, "Thegreatdonotalwaysprevail. There



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