Shop till you drop ... or look at labels 外国人眼中的“名牌”


      导读:谈到名牌,许多人都趋之若鹜。有的人一掷千金(splurge on)购买名牌,为的是能够彰显自己的身份地位。而同时,仿名牌市场也应运而生。在老外眼里,对于名牌是什么态度呢?遇到各式各样的仿名牌时,他们又经历过哪些有趣的故事?

      I never pay attention to fashion and brands. I wear what I feel is comfortable and convenient. Decades ago, my 10-year-old Italian nephew asked me for jeans from Canada when I visited.


      Upon seeing them, he exclaimed they were not Levis. "What does Levis mean?" I asked naively.


      Later, I was preparing to come to China when my Sichuan friend ordered jeans for her daughter. "You mean Levis, I guess?"


      "No, Benetton," she said.


      Living in China I realize the impact brands have on people here. Once I bought a pair of sandals because I needed sandals. More non-Chinese than Chinese told me, "Wow! You wear them? You have money!" I didn`t know why they thought 150-yuan ($22) sandals - obviously fake - were for wealthy people. I had never heard that brand name (which I can`t remember) before.


      While visiting my family in Canada, we were talking about false-fraud-fake products in China. I assured them I would never buy imitations. As a writer, I don`t accept that readers pirate my books and I would consider myself a thief if I ever buy counterfeits.


      A young relative once asked, "What about your purse?"


      "What`s the problem with my purse?" I countered.


      "It`s a Yves Saint-Laurent; do you mean you paid the full price?"


      "How can you think I bought a YSL? I bought it because of size, color and price."


      She picked up the purse and pointed to the steel YSL on the flap. Believe it or not, I had not noticed it till then.


      When Hong Qiao Market (Pearl Market) used to sell fake watches, I happened to need a watch and went there for the large choice they offered. What I wanted was a watch to see the time, I insisted.


      They had no Chinese brands, only Cartier, Citizen, Seiko, Rolex. Desperately, I finally bought a Gucci for which I paid 20 yuan, bargained down from 168 yuan. It still works after 14 years.


      Two years ago, a family member needed an inexpensive watch with a blue plastic wristband for a special occasion, "something that looks nice on a little girl," she said, adding "a local, not-famous brand".


      Hong Qiao was the market for children`s watches. Having refused several ming pai copies, I was leaving without buying when I saw a blue plastic one.


      "Diesel, what a strange name for a watch," I thought. Wasn`t diesel something that went into a gas tank? The transaction went quickly; I offered 35 yuan and left with the watch.
