
stable 2024年06月30日

      基于 stable-diffusion 模型生成。AI图像最终生成受模型版本,提示语及各项参数影响。相同提示语,每次AI图像生成结果各异。

      提示词:A glimpse of the distant ocean completes this skywalking portrait.,Create a spectral woman with a (translucent appearance:1.3),Her form is barelly tangible,with a soft glow emanating from her gentle contours,The surroundings subtly distort through her ethereal presence,casting a dreamlike ambiance,full body lens,thigh,(white hair:0.4),In the ethereal realm of absolute darkness,where shadows dance with the whispers of the night,a girl **** of particles of light emerges from the void **** a phantom. Her body is a translucent luminous form with glowing white marble-**** skin. The shape of her upper body is outlined by a jumble of lines,with high density at her fingers,casting an otherworldly aura that captivates the senses.,blunt bangs,


      采样器:DPM++ 3M SDE Karras

