
中公网 2019年05月20日 16:25:00



      1. I can't ______ the name of the person I met yesterday.

      A. conclude B. explore C. release D. recall

      2. Some experts note that children's performances are ______ more influenced by parents than by teachers.

      A. almost B. quite C. many D. far

      3. It was no ______ that his car was seen near the bank when the robbery happened.

      A. certainty B. complication C. convention D. coincidence

      4. The president came out of the house, ______ by his 3 bodyguards.

      A. follows B. followed C. following D. follow

      5. The teachers ceased chatting for a moment when the headmaster passed ______.

      A. by B. off C. through D. in






