T60 Pickup

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  • T60 Pickup
  • Global Leading Technology
  • Five-star Safety Quality
  • Excellent Riding Experience
  • Human-oriented Intelligent Technology
  • Technical Specs
Global Leading Technology

Roaring& highly efficient power , with low fuel consumption
Chassis system for all terrain
Comprehensive and forward-looking intelligent system
10-year design standard of anti-corrosion
Top 500 global suppliers

Five-star Safety Quality

360º Surround View
360º Surround View

LED Headlamp With Adaptive Front System
According to the road condition (climbing, braking, etc.) automatically adjust the Angle
of irradiation and get the best driving view at night.

Excellent Riding Experience

The comfortable driving experience gives drivers the unique driving pleasure, unique technology and
design to bring about the wide feelings of the class, it make the travel is more free.

Skylights (2.0T models only)

Four Body Structure

Four Body Structure

Three Driver Models

Three Driver Models

Two Drive Modes

Two Drive Modes

Human-oriented Intelligent Technology

Technical Specs

Enjoy Your T60
