
进销存软件 2014年11月21日


      盘盈盘亏简单讲就是实物与账面的差异。盘点实物存数或价值大于账面存数或价值,就是盘盈;盘点实物存数或价值小于账面存数或价值就是盘亏。 仓库管理软件免费下载 


      盘亏的,无论是何种原因造成的货物的短缺,都不可能再用于销售,因此,盘亏部分的进项税额应做进项税额转出。盘盈目录 概述 相关规定编辑本段概述  







      第四十二条 合营企业的固定资产至少每年实地盘点一次。对盘盈、盘亏、毁损的固定资产,应由有关部门查明原因,写出书面报告,经严格审查,按董事会规定报经批准后及时处理。一般应在年度决算前处理完毕。  


      借:固定资产 贷:以前年度损益调整。同时确认应交纳所得税,




      Article 42   

      Physical inventory must be taken of the fixed assets of a joint   

      venture at least once a year. If any overage, shortage or damage of the   

      fixed assets is found, the cause shall be investigated and a report be   

      written out by the relevant department. Accounting treatment shall be made   

      as soon as the report is approved through strict management review and the   

      reporting procedures specified by the board of directors. Generally, this   

      work shall be finished before the annual closing of the final accounts.   

      (1) For fixed assets overage, the replacement cost shall be taken as   

      the original cost, the accumulated depreciation shall be estimated and   

      recorded according to the existing usability and wear and tear of the   

      assets, and the difference between the original cost and the accumulated   

      depreciation shall be credited to non-operating income.   

      (2) For fixed assets shortage, the original cost and accumulated   

      depreciation shall be written off and the excess of original cost over   

      accumulated depreciation shall be charged as non-operating expenses.   

      (3) For damaged fixed assets, the net loss after the original cost   

      deducted by the accumulated depreciation, recoverable salvage value and   

      the indemnity receivable from the persons in fault or from the insurance   

      company, shall be charged as non-operating expenses.