
初中英语2022年浙江省... 2023年05月18日








      一、未分类 (共1题)



      It was the first time Moham went to a restaurant in his new neighborhood. He looked up at the menu board, and ____1____ how he could understand what all of these strange names meant. Moham decided that he would ____2____ ask the waitress for ice cream in a cup. She smiled brightly, wrote down his ____3____ and disappeared behind the big glass display case ( 陈列柜 ).

      A moment later, she came back with a tall paper cup. ____4____ it was a long straw ( 吸管 ) and some kind of drink. Moham, quite ____5____ , took the cup and thanked her, thinking about the possibility that he had used wrong words.

      “It’s the soda you ordered,” ____6____ said, “an ice cream drink in a cup.”

      He smiled at the waitress, pointed at one of the ____7____ in the display case, and said, “That one, please,” which seemed to ____8____ better.

      Moham took the cake and his unexpected soda to a table and sat down to eat. Why was it that English had been so ____9____ for him in his classes in Tunisia, but when it came to ____10____ speaking, he couldn’t even get what he wanted to eat?

      Just then, a girl, who sat at the next table and had watched the whole ____11____ , smiled at him and said, “Hey, welcome to our beautiful city! Don’t feel ____12____ about your English—you’ll get better at it ____13____ you’ve lived here for a while. I’m from Spain, and the first time I tried to order a salad here, I ____14____ with a plate of pig’s feet. At least you got a soda!”

      Hearing this, Moham felt much better. He wasn’t the only one ____15____ to communicate, and his new city began to feel just a little more like he could call it home.

      1 . A . imagined B . wondered C . described D . remembered

      2 . A . just B . even C . never D . also

      3 . A . wish B . suggestion C . dream D . order

      4 . A . Above B . Inside C . Under D . Near

      5 . A . moved B . bored C . surprised D . tired

      6 . A . he B . you C . she D . I

      7 . A . salads B . cakes C . drinks D . strawberries

      8 . A . work B . spread C . develop D . read

      9 . A . special B . popular C . important D . easy

      10 . A . slowly B . carefully C . actually D . honestly

      11 . A . discussion B . process C . performance D . argument

      12 . A . crazy B . hopeful C . bad D . excited

      13 . A . although B . if C . because D . since

      14 . A . ended up B . cheered up C . showed up D . came up

      15 . A . refusing B . planning C . regretting D . fighting

      二、阅读理解 (共5题)




      Join Dr. Jane Goodall’s global network ( 全球网络 ) of young people in more than 130 countries taking action to improve our world!

      ◆ Organise a mobile phone recycling activity!

      ◆ Raise and become a chimp ( 黑猩猩 ) protector!

      ◆ Educate others about sustainable palm oil!

      ◆ Hold a cakesale with a toy chimp as a prize!

      ◆ Plant a tree or garden at school!

      By joining Dr. Jane’s Roots & Shoots, you will: ● get ideas on how to make a difference, activity information and moneyraising tips

      ● be part of a special group of kids changing the world in Australia and around the world

      ● get information on coming chances for young leaders

      ● help protect chimps, save their living areas and support African communities

      Join or donate ( 捐献 ) online today





      16 . Young people from Roots & Shoots are making the world better by ________.

      A . selling cakes at school B . recycling mobile phones

      C . producing toy chimps D . teaching kids how to plant trees

      17 . If you become a member of Roots & Shoots, you are expected to ________.

      A . be helpful for African communities B . share information with leaders

      C . go to Australia to meet Dr. Jane D . raise money on its websites

      18 . What is the text?

      A . A story. B . A notice. C . A speech. D . A poster.


      During work hours, among the sounds of machines, the kitchen of Bach’s Bakery ( 面包房 ) is especially tidy and quiet, not because of any rules against talking during work hours, but because all of the workers have a hearing disability. They are hard-working and professional in their work, and use sign language to communicate with each other from time to time.

      Bach’s Bakery lies in Changsha City, Hunan Province. It is run by a German couple, Uwe Brutzer and his wife Dorothee Brutzer, who started it up ten years ago with the purpose of creating more jobs for those disabled in the neighborhood. So far, Bach’s Bakery has trained around 30 hearing disabled people. While some skilled workers found jobs in other bakeries and hotels and have been able to live on their own, several of them have stayed to work at the bakery after they completed the training.

      The Brutzers’ work has won the support of many people in China. With the spread of news about the bakery, many Internet users learned about Bach’s Bakery and its inspiring story. As a result, many local people in Changsha as well as visitors from other parts of the country come to buy their products, Uwe said that public attention has encouraged them a lot and helped grow the bakery’s business, resulting in workers getting higher pay. However, what he values more is that, through media ( 媒体 ) reports, more people have come to understand that disabled people can work as well as other people when they are given chances.

      Now, as they are preparing to return to Germany, they have found a German couple teaching in China as the new managers, and handed over the bakery to a public welfare ( 福利 ) organization. Their wish is to continue providing free training for the hearing disabled and that the bakery will never be changed into a shop with moneymaking as its main goal.

      19 . The workers in Bach’s Bakery use sign language because ________.

      A . their boss doesn’t allow them to talk B . machines make too much noise

      C . they can’t communicate in spoken words D . heavy work keeps them too busy to speak

      20 . It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Bach’s Bakery ________.

      A . also offers jobs to people outside Hunan B . helps its workers live independently

      C . requires its workers not to leave after training D . has more than 30 workers now

      21 . In Uwe’s opinion, the greatest value of public attention is that ________.

      A . disabled workers are paid more B . his shop becomes more popular

      C . the disabled are better understood D . sales of their products get stronger

      22 . What’s the best title for the passage?

      A . A Silent Bakery B . A Special Wish C . The Success of the Disabled D . The Rules of Bach’s Bakery


      “I wish I had straight hair”; “I’d like to be taller”. At times, we all want to look a bit more like someone else. However, the pictures we see on TV and social media can give us improper ideas about how our bodies “should” look. The truth is that everybody is different — and that’s a good thing. Accepting and feeling good about our bodies is really important for our self confidence ( 自信 ).

      Body confidence is when someone accepts and behaves kindly towards their body. That includes our size and shape, skin color, appearance and any physical disabilities. Jade Parnell from the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR), says that having body confidence is “about being accepting of your body and what it does for you”.

      If you feel positively ( 积极地 ) about your body, you are more likely to take care of it. Research has even shown that you are more likely to take part in activities and perform well in school. However, feeling agitated about your body could make you step back, do less well at school and even feel down. Parnell says that the cost of trying to achieve the “perfect” appearance is high. She says, “If you re spending a lot of time trying to look a certain way, you will have less time to spend with friends and to make important memories.”

      It’s important to remember that everybody is different. To develop a positive body image, Parnell says, “Try to talk positively about your own body and other people’s bodies. Try not to pay too much attention to appearance. Instead, think about what your body does for you; do your legs make you run really fast?” She also suggests treating your body well by eating different kinds of foods, exercising to feel good and to have fun, and getting plenty of sleep. Remember that you are more than how you look.

      23 . The writer thinks that the pictures on TV and social media ________.

      A . are perfect for people to follow B . may spread wrong ideas of looks

      C . imply everyone is different D . show people how to behave kindly

      24 . The underlined word “ agitated ” probably means “________”.

      A . scared B . serious C . careless D . worried

      25 . Parnell will agree that you should ________.

      A . accept your body as it is B . avoid talking about others’ bodies

      C . spend more money on your appearance D . remember what you used to be like

      26 . What is the main purpose of the passage?

      A . To encourage readers to take more exercise. B . To remind readers not to eat too much food.

      C . To lead readers to build up body confidence. D . To advise readers to treat their friends well.


      If you look around the room you are in right now, you’ll probably notice a number of electronics. But can you imagine if they all had to be joined together by wires ( 电线 )? Picture the wire snaking along the floor, for example, from your smartphone to your speaker, or connecting your game controller to the computer screen, meaning you could never sit more than a couple of meters away from it. A world of electronics connected by wires wouldn’t just be untidy, but a possible danger, too. That’s where Bluetooth comes in. We’ve all heard of it — but what exactly is it?

      Bluetooth is a method of short-distance ( 短距离 ) wireless communication between electronics that makes use of the power of radio waves. The idea was first thought of by Dr. Janp Haartsen at Swedish mobile company Ericsson in 1994. Things really stepped up in September 1998 when the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) was set up to develop and spread the technology. Bluetooth 1.0 came out in 1999, and a year later it began to be used in mobile phones and desktop computers. Now Bluetooth has become an increasingly popular way of solving the problem of more and more electronics needing to be connected. without having to connect everything together with wires.

      But if you look at the remote control ( 温控器 ) you use to choose the program on TV, you might rightly ask yourself why Bluetooth was such a big deal. After all, connecting objects with infrared signals ( 红外信号 ) which can’t be seen had been done before. The problem with remote controls is that they need to keep what is called “line of sight”. If something is standing between the remote control and receiver, it won’t work. Because Bluetooth uses radio waves, the things standing in the way are no longer a problem.

      Since its creation in the late 1990s, the technology has become more and more improved and widely used, with the 4 billionth Bluetooth objects shipped in 2020.

      27 . How does the writer lead in the topic “Bluetooth” in Paragraph 1?

      A . By describing scenes. B . By comparing facts. C . By telling stories. D . By explaining reasons.

      28 . With the setting up of SIG, Bluetooth ________.

      A . started to be used in cars B . made radio waves known to people

      C . improved and spread quickly D . was able to connect all electronics

      29 . From Paragraph 3, we mainly get to know the ________ of Bluetooth.

      A . development B . popularity C . standard D . advantage

      30 . ________ will most probably be interested in this text.

      A . Phone sellers B . Technology fans C . Newspaper reporters D . History lovers

