
提示:原网页已由神马搜索转码, 内容由www.mb5u.com提供.

dhtmlxTree Standard Samples

New samples in version 1.5

  • Simple drag-n-drop into tree from any HTML
  • Changing iconsets
  • Other samples*

  • Init from html
  • dhtmlXTree - Initialize object on page
  • dhtmlXTree - Add / Delete items
  • Event handlers
  • Collapse/Expand
  • Change text/image
  • Checkboxes
  • Easy skinable design
  • Autoloading from XML
  • Drag and Drop
  • Professional Edition features

  • Context Menu
  • Sorting (including custom type)
  • OnDrag/OnDrop event handler
  • Additional Drag-n-drop behavior – drop-as-sibling, complex drag-n-drop
  • Drag-n-drop between frames
  • Drag-n-drop to/from dhtmlxGrid
  • Ability to move items within/between trees with script API
  • Multiselect, drag-n-drop multiple items
  • Focus item with script method
  • Dynamic rendering – advanced xml processing for loading big trees when dynamical loading can't be used
  • Serialization – possibility to create XML based on updated tree structure.
  • Search
  • Multi-line tree items
  • Saving/Restoring tree state in/from cookies
  • Change icon size
  • Editable Items
  • Ability to automaticaly update server side on tree structure changes
  • Keyboard navigation
  • Locked items
  • Right-to-left languages support
  • Error handling
  • Quick Search - navigate through the tree typing node name
  • Tree lock

  • © Scand LLC